Monthly Archives: November 2023

In commemoration of 60 years of commitment and dedication, on the night of November 24th, GRUPO CUÑADO hosted nearly a thousand people, including customers, suppliers and partners from all over the world. The gala was lead by Carlos D. Cuñado, president of Grupo Cuñado, and his daughter Vivian Cuñado Esteban, 3rd generation. We had the pleasure of having the Mayoress of Alcalá de Henares, Judith Piquet, the president of the Senate, Pedro Rollán, the president of the Assembly of Madrid, Enrique Ossorio, the president of the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez, Laly Escudero Ossorio, presidenta de AEDHE Asociación de Empresarios del Henares. The rhythm and musical art of our friends of WAH Show cheered up the evening with an amazing show that our guests enjoyed during the dinner. Thanks to all of you who were part of this memorable evening!

Today, GRUPO CUÑADO has organized a very interesting workshop with an extraordinary group of speakers, including Pilar Sanz, former Director of E&P Projects and Facilities at Repsol; Andres Aranda Ferreira, Corporate Procurement Manager for Chile, Argentina, Ecuador and Egypt at ENAP and some of the European mills that Grupo Cuñado collaborates with. The purpose of this meeting is to open the debate on the perspectives of the future of energy in our sector and to integrate a shared vision from each of the stakeholders.