Category Archives: news

The Best Internationalization Project Award granted by LA RAZON is already at home!

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The event, organised at the Madrid Stock Exchange, was attended by the Third Vice President of the Spanish Government and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño.
These awards recognize the efforts of companies and entrepreneurs who contribute to wealth and job creation, especially in these hard times of pandemic.
#YourEconomy #Awards #Thankyou

GRUPO CUÑADO sponsors the San Gabriel School Cross Country Race

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One more year, GRUPO CUÑADO – CUNADO GROUP continues our social work, supporting once again an amazing day of sports, health and education by sponsoring the 42nd edition of SAN GABRIEL School Cross Country Race, in Alcalá de Henares, where our headquarters are located. This is one of the most traditional races of the regional season, that began as a School Cross Country and now it is a very popular competition for all ages, where many of our employees have ever run. In this occasion, one of our employees has been on the podium!! XLIICrossSanGabriel @DeportesSanGa @SGabrielAlcala