The engineering Tecnicas Reudidas awarded Grupo Cuñado with all the packages of pipes, flanges and accessories, as well as the valves, needed in the supply of two contract “llave en mano” (turnkey) inside his next project of refining and maritime terminal in Jazan. Saudi Aramco will build a refinery of 400,000 bpd and the facilities of a Hydrocarbon terminal as part of the overall development plan of the “Jazan Economic City”, located in the sub occidental region of Saudi Arabia. Grupo Cuñado will supply 60,000 tons of material. This provision emphasizes, carbon steel welded pipe, with diameters up to 48”.
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The Minister of Employment and Social Security, Ms. Fátima Báñez, visits our headquarters in Alcala de Henares, in tribute to the founder of Grupo Cuñado, for his recent concession of the Gold Medal of Merit in the workplace. In the visit also participated the Mayor of the city of Alcala de Henares, Mr. Javier Bello, as well as he President of AEDHE, Mr. Jesús Martín and the Secretary General of the organization, Ms. Pilar Fernandez.

The founder of Grupo Cuñado, Mr. Máximo Cuñado, received on November the 4th 2014 the Gold Medal for Merit in the workplace, approved unanimously by the council of ministers extraordinary session. The award was presented by the Deputy Prime Minister Ms. Soraya Saenz de Santamaría, along with the Minister of Employment and Social Security, Ms. Fátima Báñez. The medal was awarded by the King on the proposal of minister. The emotional ceremony was held in the main lounge of the National Library. The awardee was accompanied at the ceremony, by his son the current president of Grupo Cuñado, Mr. Carlos David Cuñado, his wife CEO of Grupo Cuñado, Mrs. Gloria Esteban Baturone and their daughter, Ms. Vivian Cuñado Esteban. Surrounded at all times by counselors of Grupo Cuñado, Mr. Angel Luis Barranco and Mr. Antonio Galán. The Minister of Employment and Social Security, praised the “courage and effort” of Mr. Máximo, that “knew and wanted to go international” and recalled that at the age of 19 he moved to Madrid to make a future and founded in 1963 Grupo Cuñado.
Grupo Cuñado has been chosen by Tecnicas Reunidas to deliver four pipelines consisting of welded and seamless carbon steel, and welded and seamless duplex steel, as well requisitioning additional duplex and super duplex pipe for both projects. The material will be supplied to the site of the hydrocarbon plant, which will have an estimated gas production 13MM cubic meters daily capacity at the end of 2016.
Due to a breach of an international warrant for purchase and supply of materials, Grupo Cunado has obtained a favorable arbitration decision for its claims, including the recovery of costs, against the manufacturer of steel pipes

Mr. Carlos David Cuñado, president of Grupo Cuñado, received the Award for Business Excellence of AEDHE in the category of International Expansion. The award differentiates companies whose business crosses borders, thereby contributing to the spread of best practices and the image of Spanish companies, and their own “Spain trademark”.

Mr. Carlos David Cuñado gathered more than seven hundred people in a very emotional ceremony. Grupo Cuñado was honored during the celebration of its 50th anniversary, welcoming the Minister of Employment and Social Security, Ms. Fatima Báñez. The current president had some touching words to his father and company founder, Mr. Maximum Cuñado and his twenty-one year old daughter Vivian. As a continuation of the work of her father and grandfather, the third generation has already been incorporated into the family business.
The minister, who chaired the event and dinner that took place in the La Quinta del Jarama, recognized the trajectory of this family of entrepreneurs acknowledging “that is not easy to build such a strong group, as international and as important as this. The strength of companies such as Cuñado Group and their workers in every corner of our country, is doing it all together to change the situation in Spain; we need to continue with such enthusiasm and joy doing business.”
Likewise the Mayor of Madrid, Ms. Ana Botella, who could not attend due to last minute commitments, sent a letter which was read by the emcee of the event, Jaime Cantizano, in which she stated that “family and entrepreneurial companies like yours are the engine of our economy. Institutional support is key to continue progress in generating employment and wealth. “
After dinner the attendants including familiar faces from business, politics, entertainment, customers and suppliers were able to enjoy a very emotional evening that lasted into the early morning hours.