All posts by Raquel

Cuñado Zaragoza pays tribute to Mr. Máximo Cuñado

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Cuñado Zaragoza pays tribute to Mr. Máximo Cuñado, founder of GRUPO CUÑADO, and thanks Carlos David Cuñado, our current President, for his 60 years of dedication – “We want our family to grow daily, strengthening us as the great company we are”.
This tribute to six decades of dedication was materialized by planting this olive tree at the entrance of Cuñado Zaragoza’s warehouse. –”We wish that future generations take care of it with the same affection we have planted it”
We are proud to have teams like Zaragoza in GRUPO CUÑADO!!

GRUPO CUÑADO celebrates 25 years of commitment

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Time to celebrate a quarter of a century of dedication at GRUPO CUÑADO – CUNADO GROUP!!
To celebrate the 25 years of service of our colleague David de Anda, from CUÑADO MEXICO, we have prepared a special gift for him: an elegant watch that symbolizes every second of his commitment and dedication to our company.
Congratulations David and here’s to another 25!!

Session on the importance of water management and energy efficiency

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In GRUPO CUÑADO, hand in hand with our partners, we are committed to #sustainability and the #environment and try to bring new ideas and solutions to make the global industry a little more sustainable every day.
To this end, our colleagues of the Zaragoza delegation held, jointly with our partner GRUNDFOS, a session on the importance of water management and energy efficiency in the pressure groups for industrial plants of any sector.
We want to thank an important portion of our main customers in Aragon, who accepted the call and are aligned and committed to these actions.
Thank you; Saica Group , Grupo AGORA, Iberfoil Aragón, BRILEN TECH S.A. , Stellantis España, Farmhispania Group, bonÀrea Agrupa , Grupo Jorge, IDOM Consulting, Engineering, Architecture, Ayuntamiento de Zaragoza, FACI METALEST SUCURSAL EN ESPAÑA DE FACI CORPORATE SPA, Lecta, AGRALCO, PLACO®.
Thanks also to GRUNDFOS, pioneers in developing solutions to water and climate challenges worldwide 🚀

#cadagotaimporta #Sostenibilidad #gestióndelagua #eficienciaenergeticaindustrial #MakingTheWorldABetterHome #sustainability #sustainabilitymatters #possibilityineverydrop #watermanagement #watermanagementsolutions #eficienciaenergetica

VI Grupo Cuñado Xmas contest

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We have winners in the VI GRUPO CUÑADO Christmas Greeting Contest!!! This year, the level has been breathtaking, and we had to break the tie in both categories. What great artists we have! Congrats to all the participants!

GRUPO CUÑADO celebrates our 60 anniversary

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In commemoration of 60 years of commitment and dedication, on the night of November 24th, GRUPO CUÑADO hosted nearly a thousand people, including customers, suppliers and partners from all over the world. The gala was lead by Carlos D. Cuñado, president of Grupo Cuñado, and his daughter Vivian Cuñado Esteban, 3rd generation. We had the pleasure of having the Mayoress of Alcalá de Henares, Judith Piquet, the president of the Senate, Pedro Rollán, the president of the Assembly of Madrid, Enrique Ossorio, the president of the CEOE Foundation, Fátima Báñez, Laly Escudero Ossorio, presidenta de AEDHE Asociación de Empresarios del Henares. The rhythm and musical art of our friends of WAH Show cheered up the evening with an amazing show that our guests enjoyed during the dinner. Thanks to all of you who were part of this memorable evening!